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Sprinkler Fitters Local 669

The main function of a sprinkler fitter is the installation of fire protection systems in office buildings, warehouses, school and university buildings, and sports arenas. This includes underground supply piping, which is connected to an integrated overhead piping system for suppression of fire.

Local 669 has been on the job at the FCA Marine Reserve Building, Indiana National Guard, Indiana State University Union Conference Building and Chiller Building, St. Mary of the Woods Sports Center, and the Meijer store.

Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 is a nationwide union. This gives the members of Local 669 the flexibility to work in almost any part of the United States. Membership encompasses more than 12,000 active journey persons  and more than 2,000 apprentices. Both the health and welfare and pension programs are among the finest in the construction industry.

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Chad Scott, Business Agent
9702 E. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46229
Phone (765) 349-2056
Fax (765) 349-2338

National Officers:
Brian Dunn, Business Manager
Robert Cooper, Secretary Treasurer
Brian Fisher, President/Organizer


7050 Oakland Mills Road, Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone (410) 381-4300
Fax (301) 621-8045

Sprinkler Fitter
Apprentice Program
Contact: Charles Ketner
Phone (800) 638-0592

Apprentices complete a five-year program with on-the-job training and a 19-course correspondence through a nationally recognized university.

Safety is first and foremost; therefore
apprentices are trained in the care and
proper use of tools and equipment. These will range from pipe wrenches and pipe threading machines to welding equipment and man lifts.

Members upgrade each year at special
training seminars on new fire protection technology, regulations, applications, and OSHA safety requirements.

An apprentice is paid at a percentage of the journeyman wage. The sprinkler fitter wage rate is negotiated state by state, based on the economic conditions of the state. All apprentices participate in a health and welfare program that provides medical
coverage and life insurance. In addition, apprentices start building a pension once they meet requirements to begin participation.

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